Tuesday 15 December 2009

Caving In To A Poinsettia

I just couldn�t resist bringing home this poinsettia yesterday while hubby and I were out:

Every year it�s the same old story. I begin each holiday season by declaring: �This year I am NOT going to bring home a poinsettia.�

Then as we get closer to Christmas, the declaration is slightly edited: �This year I am probably NOT going to bring home a poinsettia.�

And eventually becomes: �This year I am probably NOT going to bring home a poinsettia� [pause] �Unless it�s a really beautiful specimen that has been left behind on a dusty shelf with just a few other abandoned poinsettias, all of which will inevitably die a sad and lonely death. Then and ONLY then will I bring home a poinsettia.�

�And was that the case with this poinsettia you took home yesterday?�

Well, not really. It was actually amongst many other pretty poinsettias, and the display wasn�t all that bad.

�I see. So you simply caved in to a poinsettia despite your oh-so unyielding holiday declaration.�

Well, wait a minute. What you�re not taking into consideration is that there�s a very good chance that it would eventually end up abandoned on some dusty store shelf where it would die a sad and lonely death. So I simply spared it that inevitable misery.

�Uhuh. You caved.�


Call me weak.
Call me undisciplined.
Call me impulsive.


The poinsettia I took home is beautiful. And together with the amaryllis�s intimidating floral display, my Christmas cactus is finally starting to open up its buds. It�s been shamed into doing so by two other popular holiday plants. Cool.

Isn�t it amazing how a tiny little plant like this can create such huge flowers?


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