Wednesday 9 December 2009

Old Man Winter Returns

Some guests just don�t get when they�re overstaying their visit. Take old man winter, for example, the �cool� dude that came to my city a couple of days ago and painted the town white. Well, he�s back. And this visit is not friendly. As I write this, he�s outside painting the town even whiter, but with a touch of rage (so much for the charm of winter; now it�s just plain ugly out there). Yessiree folks, we are having our first snowstorm. If I was a kid, I�d be jumping up and down with joy as I looked forward to all the fun things me, my brothers and the neighbourhood kids would enjoy outdoors. As an adult I�m already feeling the aches and pains that will come from having to clean the driveway and all the pathways free of snow. Most of the aches and pains will be my husband�s, but still. I will have sympathy pain.

Anyway, I wasn�t very happy about old man winter�s visit on Monday, but since he comes and goes as he pleases because he has free passes from Mother Nature, I really couldn�t do anything about it. At least the damage was minimal after he left; the temperature rose above zero, the sun came out and the city looked very charming with the (minimal) newly-fallen snow. And it was easy to clear the driveway and the pathway, so there were no aches and pains involved - sympathy-type or other. So all was well with my little northern world.

And to prove it, here are some more pretty pictures of the first visit:

The pictures below were taken by my daughter yesterday evening:

Nice, no?

Well, the old coot decided to return today with a vengeance, storming through the city as if he�s ticked off about something. Perhaps he had a fight with Mother Nature or father time or Santa Claus or the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy. Or who-e-ver. I really don�t care what his problem is. HE CAN�T HAVE A TANTRUM HERE.

Anyhow, there�s not much I can do about it. I will snap some pictures (during and after the snow) and post them on my blog. I know, I know, who the heck cares about my city�s weather? But since it�s hard to come up with posts this time of year, I figure I may as well milk this for all it�s worth.


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