Thursday 28 January 2010

A Colorado artist

I've noticed that many of the best gardeners are often trained artists. I have not seen Joellyn Duesberry's private garden, but something tells me she would be a winner. I can't think of another Colorado artist who "gets it": the colors, the light, the textures and the dynamic form of the Rocky Mountain landscape, the way she does. I have admired her paintings here and there for many years. It is a great pleasure and a treat to see a fabulous assortment of her landscape paintings on display at Denver Botanic Garden's Gates Court. It has reaffirmed in my mind that she is far and away the finest landscape artist in our region.

Why have I wandered away from gardens and plants to talk about paintings? I believe that the gallery arts may actually "pave the way" for landscape art: how much easier it will be to convince gardeners that landscapes filled with buffs, oranges, tawny browns and just a bit of green here and there (often a muted, dark blue-green) is appropriate for our gardens when they can see these colors depicted so powerfully on canvas. The emphasis on form, texture and the basic Western color palette in Duesberry's work is a fantastic color template and model for the local designer to imitate, replicate or at least aspire to in the garden.

Do come by and check it out! There's even a reception tonight where you can meet Joellyn at the Garden Court at 5:30 PM. You can find out a bit more about her at the DBG blog posted by Kim Manajek, one of our terrific exhibitions staff:

And speaking of art...the first few pieces by Henry Moore have been placed the last few days on the Grounds: watching these monumental bronzes etc. be hefted over buildings by humongous cranes is the favorite activity of staff and volunteers this week. (Spell check doesn't think humongous is a word, can you believe it?). Spell check has obviously never seen a Henry Moore!


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