Tuesday 12 January 2010

A Flower On The Horizon

Well, there�s no doubt that I�ve disappeared from the writing scene, both here on my blog and on my houseplants website. The truth is that not much has been happening on the crescent-shaped street that I live on. It�s not that nothing has been going on; it�s that nothing interesting has been going on. Nothing interesting enough to write about.

I had planned to write about the birds visiting the feeders hanging near my kitchen window but there isn�t that much feathery activity going on since the squirrels literally wrap themselves around the feeders daily. I did battle with these pesky rodents for a number of days, hoping to rid my feeders of them, but I couldn�t keep up with their determination and boundless energy. Eventually, frustrated with the whole ordeal, I waved a white flag. I suppose I should have taken down the bird feeders since the squirrels are the only regular visitors, but every now and then a chickadee, a cardinal or a Blue Jay drop by, which rekindles whatever little hope I have of viewing some kind of feathery activity outside my kitchen. So I let the feeders continue to hang outside.

I could write about the weather and take lots of photos of snow, snow and more snow, but [yawn] that would get very old, very fast. I�d love to write about my gardening adventures, but it�s January and there�s nothing growing out there this time of year. So that leaves the indoors, which includes the family, pets and houseplants. Nacho the cat has been introduced, Bailey the ferret has her ferrety Friday spotlight and the family, well, there�s nothing I can think of to write about them. We�re now down to houseplants, and although there isn�t anything earth shattering going on with them, I was pleasantly surprised this afternoon when I went to water my Vriesea splendens.

Take a look at this:

Now, correct me if I�m wrong (that means you Mr. Subjunctive) but isn�t that a flower emerging?

It seems that the Amaryllis�s recent flower display has shamed this lovely plant into blooming. And I have to tell you, the Vriesea splendens produces one of the most impressive blooms you�ll ever see. If this plant does indeed grace my home with its lovely flower, I think I�m gonna just about explode. Not because the flower is so pretty but because it�s a plant that doesn�t bloom that easily. It will be the ultimate compliment to my green thumb.

Stay tuned...


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