Sunday 28 March 2010

Little Bulbs Braving The Cold

This has been the mildest March I�ve experienced in a long time, with the exception of the last few days where nighttime temperatures have dropped to freezing levels. If it hadn�t been for the tulip and daffodil bulbs I planted a few months ago, this wouldn�t bother me. After all, March is a very unpredictable and rather unstable month; one day it feels like spring and the next you�re right back into winter.

But now there are the bulbs to worry about, which decided early in the month to start sprouting, only to discover a couple of weeks later that it might have been better to wait just a little longer. But who can blame them for wanting to poke their little heads out; the weather had been so warm and spring-like that I guess they decided it�s safe to begin sprouting.

Because the past few days have been a little rough on them, they�ve stopped growing. Whatever has sprouted has just remained as is. I�m not sure what effect this yo-yo weather is having on these plants, or whether any damage has been done. I just hope that there�ll be a decent display when the temperatures are stable enough for the flowers to emerge completely. It is the only thing I have to look forward to growing this spring, the first spring we�re in this house, and I�ll be really disappointed if something goes wrong.

We�ll just have to wait and see what happens.



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