Monday 1 March 2010

March-ing Into Spring

Happy March everyone! I know the title of today�s post is a little goofy, but the two worst months of winter � January and February � are over and this is the time of year I begin to get a little goofy myself. Who can blame me? Our winters are long, dark and often quite harsh (although this year�s was much less painful), so when spring is finally march-ing in (couldn�t help myself!), we embrace it with oodles of nutty enthusiasm. Also known as: spring fever!

I�m especially looking forward to this year�s warmer months, which are going to include a very exciting season of gardening. With an entire garden to build from scratch, you can very well imagine the anticipation I�m feeling and how restless I am to get started. I�m also looking forward to the return of all our feathery and furry visitors that bring colour, energy and entertainment to our backyard.

Oh yes, I am ecstatic that winter is quickly coming to an end. How ecstatic am I, you ask? Can you say o-ver-joyed?

So, once again, happy March everyone! Get ready to pack up that winter gear because spring is finally on its way.

WOO HOO! [doing the dance of joy...]


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