1) Begonia

This plant came without a tag, so I don�t know exactly what name to use for it; all I know is that it�s some type of begonia. A yellow one. I picked up one and potted it together with the plants below.
2) Coleus �Black Dragon�
Very showy and easy to grow, you really can�t go wrong with coleus. I bought four of these and placed them around the yellow begonia I wrote about above. The pot is in front of the house.

Everything is still too small to draw attention, but it�ll grow in time.
3) Geranium

A very popular annual that I just couldn�t resist; I picked up one and placed it on the deck in back of the house.

4) Osteospermum

The tag did not specify what type of Osteospermum this is, so I really can�t get more specific about it. I do know that I really liked it when I spotted it and had to have it. I brought one home that I placed on the deck in back of the house.

5) Unknown (Possibly a dahlia?)

There was no tag on this plant, so I have no idea what it is. And when I asked at the garden center, they didn�t know either. I brought it home anyways (it was too pretty to leave behind) and placed it on the deck in back of the house.

6) Bidens ferulifolia

This lovely plant produces bright yellow, scented flowers. I bought two that I added to the new flower bed in the back of the house. That planting area consists mostly of perennials but I thought a couple of annuals wouldn�t hurt if they�re pretty enough.

7) Verbena x hybrida

This is another pretty annual that I didn�t mind adding to the mix of perennials in the new flower bed, especially because of its purple-blue flowers and the fact that it will bloom from spring to fall with very little fuss.

The new flower bed is almost full (there is room for only a couple more plants) and it looks like this:

And that completes another round of pretty annuals. I don�t know if I�ll be adding any more this year, but if I do, you know I�m going to tell you all about it.
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