Wednesday 19 May 2010

Miniature Roses Aren�t Just Red...

...they�re also yellow and pink and white in my garden...

I don�t know what�s gotten into me but I�m suddenly captivated by miniature roses. And so I�ve treated myself to a few:

There is red...



Pale pink...

And dark pink...

Aren�t they really pretty?

A few have been added to the right side of the yard but the majority of them have been planted under my kitchen window.

The ones I bought are typical miniature roses that are sold just about everywhere. I would love to find some that have flower colours that I can�t find locally. Like violet-blue or a type of orangey shade or a peachy colour. Or just something other than yellow, red, pink and white. For now, this is more than enough. I'm a happy camper.


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