Tuesday, 15 March 2011


This is another recipe that was posted a long time ago. I am reintroducing it today for those of you who may have missed it the first time around. It�s too good not to share with everyone.

I didn�t try the popular �sucre � la cr�me�, a traditional fudge from the province of Quebec in Canada, until I turned 40. And my immediate reaction after tasting it was:

�OHMYGOD! What the heck was I waiting for!?�

Yes, it�s that good.

Ingredients? Few

Preparation? Simple

Result? Awesome

Guilt level after gorging yourself? Enormous

Recipe? Below

Sucre a la creme (Fudge)


150 ml butter
750 ml light brown sugar
150 ml cream 15% or 35%
250 ml icing sugar


Butter a 6 x 10 inch dish.

In a saucepan, combine the butter, brown sugar and cream. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat, add icing sugar and whisk vigorously until well blended.

Pour mixture into buttered dish, let it cool and cut into squares.

And finally, the most important step of all:

Hide it, so you don�t have to share with anyone.


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