Saturday 19 March 2011

It�s Alive! Er...Some Of It Is

Most of the snow is pretty much gone, so I stepped out into the backyard a couple of days ago to take a look around. And although most of the garden is still very much asleep...

...the bulbs in the back of the house (the sun beats down on them all day) have decided that it�s time to wake up...

The bulbs in front of our home are still snoozing. They receive less sun, so I figure the soil hasn�t warmed up enough for them to want to poke their heads out. Either way, it�s a matter of time now before they start to grow.

Now, I�m not sure what the rest of this month has in store for us weather wise, but I hope it�s nothing that the bulbs can�t handle. I�ve been waiting for months for a little colour in the garden and I�d be really ticked off if some unexpected harsh weather came around and slapped down the first signs of life in the garden. Royally ticked off.

I�ll post more photos of the bulbs as they continue to emerge. Stay tuned for more...


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