Monday 25 April 2011

How Can Anyone Resist A Fragrant Cloud?

I had no intention on buying anything yet, mostly because I haven�t felt motivated to do so with the bleh weather we�ve been having, but when I ran across the rose bushes on display in WalMart�s garden centre, and noticed that one of them was called �Fragrant Cloud�, well, no need to tell you that I just couldn�t leave the store without it. How can anyone resist a plant with a name like that.

So here it is:

The flowers are supposed to

I have no idea how this will turn out. There isn�t that much information about �Fragrant Cloud� on the internet (maybe it goes by another name?), so I�m kind of flying by the seat of my pants with this particular plant. But...meh... What is a garden without a little adventure?

It�s been planted, and as you can see from the picture, it�s doesn�t look like very much right now. But it�ll grow.

At least there are signs of growth. That�s good.

I�ll post an update about this lovely rosebush later this summer. Let�s hope for the best.


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