Thursday 14 April 2011

Today's Trivia - Assorted

This week�s post is an assortment of useless but interesting information. Hope you learn something new from it!

- It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni and about a gallon to clean the pot.

- The wheat that produces a one-pound loaf of bread requires two tons of water to grow.

- The top three cork-producing countries are Spain, Portugal and Algeria. (Cork comes from trees.)

- Only thirty percent of the famous Maryland blue crabs are actually from Maryland, the rest are from North Carolina and Virginia.

- Jelly Belly jelly beans were the first jelly beans in outer space when they went up with astronauts in the June 21, 1983 voyage of the space shuttle Challenger (the same voyage as the first American woman in space, Sally Ride).

- The average ear of corn has eight-hundred kernels arranged in sixteen rows.

- Kerimski Church in Finland is world's biggest church made of wood.

- According to the ceremonial customs of Orthodox Judaism, it is officially sundown when you cannot tell the difference between a black thread and a red one.

- Ballroom dancing is a major at Brigham Young University.

- The estimated number of M&M's sold each day in the United States is 200,000,000.

- Columbia University is the second largest land owner in New York City, after the Catholic Church.

- The world's largest wine cask is in Heidelberg, Germany.

- Because their work was so physically demanding, slave sugar-cane cutters were the South's most costly field hands. At one point, their price became so high on the New Orleans slave market that the Louisiana planter tried to hire Irish and German immigrants instead. This plan backfired when the hired workers went on strike for double pay right in the middle of the sugar harvest. (Source: "Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts")

- Bananas do not grow on trees, but on rhizomes.

- The Statue of Liberty's tablet is two feet thick.

- There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.

- Way back when they were using marble columns, the people selling the columns would carve out the centers and fill it with wax. So the people buying them started asking "Is it without wax?" Or in other words "Are you sincere?"

- A coat hanger is 44 inches long if straightened

- The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.

- The smallest mushroom's name is "Hop-low."

- The ashes of the average cremated person weigh nine pounds.

- In order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, it should be shuffled at least seven times.

- The average sixty minute audio cassette tape has 562.5 feet of tape in it.

- Nearly 50% of all bank robberies take place on Friday.

- The launching mechanism of a carrier ship that helps planes to take off could throw a pickup truck over a mile.

- In 1890, Scott Paper produced the first toilet paper to be available on a roll.

- The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It To Beaver."

- The quartz crystal in your wristwatch vibrates 32,768 times a second.

- The side of a hammer is a cheek.

- The bread slots in a toaster are toast wells.

- A canton is the blue field behind the stars.

- A bonnet is the cap on the fire hydrant.

- Non-dairy creamer is flammable.

- A person would have to drink more than 12 cups of hot cocoa to equal the amount of caffeine found in one cup of coffee.

- Turkeys can have heart attacks. When the Air Force was conducting test runs and breaking the sound barrier, fields of turkeys dropped dead because of heart attacks.

- Taco Bell serves over 35 million consumers each week in the USA.

- There are 1,929,770,126,028,800 different color combinations possible on a Rubik's Cube.

- The world's largest K-Mart is on the island of Guam.

- During the Roman times, people used urine, called lotium in Latin, as a hair product.

- A standard grave is 7'8" x 3'2" x 6".

- There are approximately 90 people that have been frozen after their death.

- In 1942 the Jell-O company introduced Cola flavored Jell-O, which only lasted a year.

- The state that has the most diners in the world is New Jersey, which is referred to as the "Diner Capital of the World�.

- The Red Cross is called the Red Crescent in Arab countries.

- The Olympics were originally held for the Greek god Zeus.

- The oldest inhabited house in Scotland is the Traquair Castle. The castle has had 27 kings as visitors.

- Four billion pounds of watermelon were grown in the United States in 1999.

- Wham-O manufactured twenty-thousand hula-hoops a day at the peak of hula-hoop popularity in 1958.

- JELL-O was declared The "Official State Snack" of Utah in January 2001.

- Elvis Presley was obsessed with brushing his teeth.


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