Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Bulbs Are Still Hanging Around

The garden is starting to come back to life in leaps and bounds now that it�s much warmer, and although there�s been a substantial amount of growth, the bulbs are still the most colourful part of the garden.

In the back of the house, the daffodils are still hanging around. And looking pretty darn good, even after all this time:

But they�re not alone on this stage. The tulips have decided to come out and play, and they are even prettier than I expected:

The bulbs in the front of the house have taken a little longer to awaken, but they�re getting there:

The crocus bloomed first (not surprising), and although they were absolutely gorgeous, they were very short-lived. [sad face]

The tulips have developed their leaves, so it�s just a matter of time until they bloom.

Included in this flower bed are hyacinth and a couple of different types of daffodils, but they�re not quite ready to put on a show. There�ll be more images posted in the future as the bulbs continue to rise up and smile for the camera.


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