So what�s my secret to happiness? What do I do or not do that makes me so nauseatingly cheery? Well, I�m-a-gonna-tell-you. And you�ll realize that achieving happiness is not as complicated as you think.
1) I Still See Awesomeness
A chipmunk taking a peanut from my hand, a hummingbird visiting my garden, the first garden sprouts in the spring, a baby bird taking its first flight, the unfurling of a flower bud, the crunching of fall leaves under my shoes, my first cup of coffee in the morning, a warm bath, a good book, lightning, fireflies, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks, rainbows...all these wonders and more are everywhere. Simple pleasures. Miracles of life. Awesomeness. I think once you lose sight of awesomeness, you stop smiling. Look around you and be amazed.

2) I Keep Up To Date With The News...Even The Bad Stuff
I read (or watch) the news daily, no matter how disturbing it can be at times. Why? For a couple of reasons:
a) I want to know what�s going on in our world. Sure ignorance is bliss, but pretending bad things are not happening doesn�t mean they�re not. By being aware, it also motivates me to do something; contribute, help a cause, make a change. How would we ever evolve if no one knew what�s going on?
b) It is a way of reminding myself how much worse my life could be; that there are people suffering, really suffering, which humbles me, stops me from bellyaching about something ridiculous and reminds me to be grateful.
Which brings me to the next thing...
3) I Practice Gratitude Every Day
It doesn�t take much to lose sight of the positive things in our lives as we try to get through the hustle and bustle of each day. So I force myself to put on the brakes at least once a day to remind myself how good I have it, which in turn will hopefully deter me from bellyaching about nonsense. Reminders can be uplifting moments like visiting a favourite blog, reading a chapter or two in my latest read, spending a little time in my garden, strolling through a thrift shop in search of something unusual, spending time with my amazing husband or soaking in a hot bath. Or they can be tough ones like reading tragic and devastating news articles, watching videos depicting real problems that people are facing or reading books that bear witness to the dark side of humanity. It doesn�t matter which method I choose as long as it snaps me out of a bad attitude.
4) I Never Chase Fashion Or Follow Trends
I�ve never liked the Joneses, let alone felt a need to try and keep up with them. I have no idea what�s in or out. What�s popular or not. What the latest fashion trends are. What�s cool and what isn�t. I just know what I like. And if it�s ridiculously outdated, so what? It makes me happy and that�s all that matters. Intimidated by fashion or trends or what the neighbours are doing? Me? Pfffttt...not a chance.
5) I�m Aging Gracefully
Last month, I celebrated my 47th birthday. Happily. Getting older has never been an issue for me. Why would it? Every new period of my life brings with it new milestones. At this point, I am enjoying watching my children getting older, becoming more independent and traveling down the same paths I once walked through. Every new year brings with it new joys. Don�t be afraid to grow older. Embrace it.
6) When My Soul Needs Soothing, I Look To Mother Nature
Hiking, gardening, birding, walking, snapping photographs of flowers, chipmunks, baby birds, the ocean, parks, mountains...the great outdoors and all that Mother Nature has to offer soothes my soul. I can sit in front of on ocean with a good book in hand and listen to the waves crashing against the rocks for hours. No shopping mall, bar, dance club, restaurant, movie theater can ever come close. (The bookstore is a strong candidate, though...)
7) I Live And Let Live (And Mind My Own Business)
Just like I don�t like people telling me how to live my life, I don�t tell others how to live theirs, either. How does how I live my life concern Mr. or Miss so-and-so down the street? It doesn�t. On the flip side, how is it my business how Mr. or Miss so-and-so are living their lives? It isn�t. Whatever works for others is fine by me. I stay on my side of the fence and hope everyone else does the same. This way of being also prevents conflicts, which in turn promotes peace and happiness.
8) I Live In The Present
There are probably a dozen things I�d change if I could go back in time. And there are probably even more regrets I can conjure up if I sit and think about my younger years. But what�s the point? What good would it do me to dwell on the coulda, woulda, shoulda? What�s done is done. The best thing I can do is learn from my past and be a better person in the present.
In the same breath, there�s no point fretting about what might come to pass. I have no control over some things that the future may bring my way, and dreading what might be up ahead is futile...and exhausting. One day at a time is all any of us can handle.
9) I Surround Myself With Positive People
There are people who are chronically negative. Pessimistic. Never satisfied. Always complaining. Always unhappy. Always criticizing. Always judgmental. They suck the energy right out of you every time you�re around them as you listen to them moan and groan about one thing or another. And without good reason. I avoid these people like the plague. I truly believe that the company you keep is one of the most important contributors to your happiness. If you surround yourself with individuals who are positive, motivated and well balanced, you are also more likely to be positive, motivated and well balanced.
10) I Laugh...Every Day
Laughter is the best medicine. It boosts the immune system, triggers the release of endorphins (the body�s natural feel-good chemicals), protects the heart (laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow) and relaxes the whole body (a hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress). Not a day goes by that I don�t enjoy some humour. And you should, too. Take a few minutes, every day, and enjoy a good laugh; it�ll help improve your overall health.
And those are my steps to happiness. Simple things, really. But very effective. What are your steps to contentment?
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