Sunday 21 April 2013

Best Tips For Growing MoneyPlant Indoors

Money plant

Epipremnum aureum, popularly known as Money plant have unique place in houseplants grown indoors. It is common belief that having Money plant at home brings prosperity. They are climbers by nature, grow up to 12 feet. It doesn�t require extensive care and ideal for beginners. Money plant can be grown without soil in water filled bottles and jars. It is also known as Golden Pothos, silver vine, ivy arum. 

Money plant is very easy to propagate. Take stem cuttings of existing plant and put in bottles or jars filled with water. In case of transplanting in pot, make a hole in soil and plant it. Money plant can be planted in any season.

Container/ Pot
Generally medium sized container or pots are used as they are fast grower otherwise you will need to repot the plant frequently. Pot should provide good drainage. For small sized money plant vine, you can use glass or plastic bottles too.

Either you choose soil or soil less cultivation, both works well. If you are planting in pots then select well drained, aerated soil. Normal garden red soil worked for me too. Or use soil used for cacti plantation. Keep the soil slightly moist. Put a support like bamboo in soil, it helps money plant to climb. 

Sun / Temperature
Money plant can grow in direct sun light as well as indoors in indirect sun light. Too much direct sun light can burn leaves. Partial shaded location is ideal for its growth.

Money plant needs water for good growth. Allow soil to dry out between two watering sessions. Water it once in week in summer and biweekly in winter season. Do not over water it as it will cause roots to rot. If leaves are curling up, turning yellow then it is sign of excessive watering. Keep check on that.

Use any common purpose fertilizer or good quality compost is enough.  In case of liquid fertilizer dilute it first then use. Add fertilizer during evening.

Trimming dead leaves and branches will encourage new growth.
Check out how to root Money Plantin the water.

Read tips on growing Raat Rani , Indian Jasmine ( Mogra ).



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