Friday 12 April 2013

Best Tips For Making HousePlant Food At Home

1. Epsom Salt Fertilizer 
Epsom salt (Magnesium sulfate) is one of popular houseplant fertilizer which is easy to prepare and can be use for a number of plants. For example, in rose it helps in promoting bushy nature and new leaves formation. Pepper plants when given Epsom salt as fertilizer grow much taller than the ones which have been fed with commercial fertilizer. In Petunias and Impatiens (Balsam) it promotes growth of new leaves as it promotes chlorophyll production which is responsible for food preparation and giving leaves green look. Yellowing leaves lack chlorophyll. It works in case of Tomatoes and Potatoes too. It is known as �Sendha Namak � or Rock Salt.
Mix 2 tablespoon Epsom Salt in 1 Gallon water.
Feed plants with Epsom salt monthly or every two weeks. You can spray the mixture on leaves directly too.
Science involved
Epsom Salt contains two important nutrients Mg and S ( sulfur ) which are essential and macro nutrients required by plants for good growth. Mg is building block of Chlorophyll pigment which is used in photosynthesis and S (Sulfur) aids in absorption of N (Nitrogen ) and P (Phosphorus) , other important nutrients.

2. Coffee Ground Fertilizer 
Coffee Grounds are easily available houseplant food and beneficial for many plants. Mainly it is used for acid loving plants like tomatoes, blueberry, rhododendron, Calathea, Evergreen , Dieffenbachia, Malatha, Begonia, Aloe etc. It also keeps snail and slugs away from vegetables and flowers.
Mix a half pound of wet grounds to 5 gallon of water.
Spray fresh organic grounds near plant base. Drip grounds work better than boiled ground as former has more nitrogen content. You can spray water diluted grounds on plants directly too.
Science involved
Coffee grounds on breakdown provides N (Nitrogen) element to plant which is a macro nutrient for plant growth. Provide Magnesium and Potassium which are important too. Help in maintaining acidity of the soil. Compost piles having coffee grounds are free of potential pathogen which can be harmful for seedlings.

3. Vinegar Fertilizer
Vinegar is an acid known as acetic acid in scientific language. It increases acidity of the soil so beneficial for acid loving plants like tomatoes, hibiscus, blueberry etc.
1 tbs white vinegar with 1 gallon water
Water your plants with Vinegar fertilizer every three months.
Science involved
Being a basically acid it helps in maintaining soil pH below 7 which is required for acid loving plants.

4. Fish Tank Fertilizer
Fish Tank dirty water can be used as fertilizer too.
Use the dirty / untreated water directly to water your plants.
Water plants with water taken from Fish Tank.
Science Involved
Fish Tank water is full of N (Nitrogen) excreted by fish as they are ammonotelic ( organism which excretes soluble nitrogen as their excretory matter ). So this also acts as fertilizer for plants.

5. Egg Shell Fertilizer
Egg shellCrushed Egg Shell is also a proven fertilizer for all type of plants.
Dry egg shell and blend them to prepare a powdery form.
Sprinkle Egg shell powder in your garden. You can put egg shell on drainage holes in containers too.
Science Involved
Egg shells are made up of Calcium carbonate. On degradation it provides Ca (Calcium) to plant which is again a macro nutrient and building block of plant cell.

6. Fireplace Ash Fertilizer
Fireplace Ash Fertilizer can be used as a fertilizer. But it should not be used around acid loving plants (Tomatoes, blueberry, rhododendron etc) and if soil is alkaline (pH greater than 7).
You can use Fireplace Ash as it is for fertilizing purpose.
Sprinkle it on garden beds.
Science Involved
Fireplace Ash is great source of Potassium and Calcium carbonate which are important nutrients for plants.


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