Tuesday 8 April 2014

Pothos Houseplants

Question from Kate...
Pothos Marble Queen

 I'm wondering if there is any way to revive a pothos plant? I received it in beautiful, healthy condition - about 6 vines? ranging from 1-3ft long. I promptly left it in my un-garaged car for 3 days in 30-50 degree temps. I remembered it, brought it inside, watered it but many of the leaves & vine stems are now dark green & limp - not completely wilted, but getting there. I feel awful and am hoping it can be resurrected. Any advice will be very much appreciated, as is this forum -thank you!


Hi Kate,

The best advice I can offer would be to cut back the vines and hope there was no root damage. If the roots are okay the plant should regrow. The damaged foliage will not recover and needs to be removed, in any case. I know many people balk at cutting their plants back. In my experience, the plants that I keep pruned on a regular basis are also the best looking plants. Pruning promotes new growth and new growth is healthier and better looking than older, faded leaves.
Usually, I would prune a few vines at a time but since most of the foliage is damaged, now would be the time to cut them back. Leave a few leaf nodes on each vine. If the vines are damaged, you should cut them back.

If you don't want to cut back the vines, you need to, at least, remove all of the damaged leaves with stems. Give proper watering and light. (no direct sun) Then wait and see what happens.

Hope your Pothos houseplant recovers and does well.

Thanks for visiting the website and let me know if I can be of any further help to you..


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