Friday 6 June 2014

Another Week Over

And so we get ready to wrap up another week. How�s it been treating you? Good, I hope. Yesterday it was not very nice here, so I didn�t do any extreme gardening. But looking outside my window as I type this, I see a lot of sunshine, and it looks like it�s going to be amazing. So I�ll be out there once again digging and weeding and mulching. And enjoying this...

...and this...

...and even this:

And while I�m out there, I�ve no doubt that some friends will stop by. Like this gentle and quiet one:

These boisterous and opportunistic ones:

And this rascal that is cute as a button, but eats so many of the things that I plant:

But, I still love her (or him) anyway.

And with that, I end my blog week, and wish you all a beautiful weekend.


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