�We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand ... and melting like a snowflake.
Let us use it before it is too late.�
- Marie Beynon Ray -
If I sit and think about days gone by, I can easily list a dozen things I wish I�d done differently. My list of regrets is even longer. But what�s the point? What good does it do me to wallow in the coulda, woulda, shoulda? I cannot change anything that happened. What�s done is done, and hopefully I�ve learned from my experiences, and become a better person for them.
And since I have no control over some things that may come my way in the future, there�s no point fretting about it. It is futile. Exhausting. And counterproductive. One day at a time is all I can handle. Whether I worry about it or not, the future will arrive in its own time, and in its own way. If it's meant to arrive at all.
I live in the present. In the day. In the moment. I do not worry about the future. Or spend too much time thinking about the past. There is no �what was� or �what will be�. Only what is. The past and future are illusions; they don�t exist. And I don�t want the present being shadowed by them.
This is it. This moment. When my life is happening. And where I choose to be.
Do you live in the present? Dwell in the past? Or worry about the future?
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