Kniphofia triangularis |
We'll quickly be getting to the "tighty whiteys"--a surprising number of South African alpines do tend to be white in color. But there are many with bright colors: there were only a few of this species on the hill but brilliantly colored. I'm always astonished at how different this species is from one area to the next. We shall see this again at the opposite end of the Drakensberg in a very different hue...
Helichrysum cf. albobrunneum |
I was surprised at how unimpressed most of my companions were with white helichrysums: I have always been charmed by almost anything in the genus (which is a good thing in the Drakensberg). These resembled what I've grown under this name, although I believe mine was multi-headed...
Cyrtanthus flanaganii in seed |
Since this was not in bloom, I couldn't be too sure...it was scattered here and there in the high meadow...
A Senecio sp. |
I posted this because we have a bevy of very similar senecios throughout the Rockies. Come to think of it, there are similar ones in Asia and also South America.
Alepidea thodei |
The Sophia Loren of the genus--this would be an outstanding garden plant. I was surprised to see it in several spots this trip...
Gladiolus sp. |
I haven't had a chance to find out the name for this rather nondescript gladiolus: the only one on the hill...
Kniphofia caulescens |
This keys out to
Kniphofia caulescens which looks rather different to my eyes than the dense colonies in the wet meadows: I suspect there are two ecotypes in play...
Another Senecio sp. |
Another senecio--this one a dead ringer for Colorado's
Senecio werneriifolius in our alpine. I suspect the resemblance is superficial...
Cotula 'Tiffendell' |
Very similar to what High Country Gardens has offered from the same locality...
Lesotho/East Cape border fence |
A rather dramatic demonstration of the contrast in vegetation between the countries.
Hypicium armerioides (Tiffendell form) |
Possibly the plant that provided the fabulous form from High Country Gardens...
Helichrysum marginatum |
And now lots of tighty whities...and my conversation must end: the taxi has arrived to take me to Johannesburg's Tambo airport--to be continued. Meanwhile: enjoy!
Helichrysum marginatum |
Helichrysum sessiloides |
Helichrysum sessiloides and Craterocapsa cf tarsodes |
Hirpicium armerioides and Helichrysum cf. |
Helichrysum sessiloides |
Top of the Tiff |
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