Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Goddesses of the Levant

One hundred and two years ago Reginald Farrer wrote these wonderful lines about the ultimate group of irises:

"But of the Oncocyclus Iris, none. They are a doomed and lonely race of irreconcilable Troades in silken crepe, sullenly and grandly unresigned to exile and captivity passing out of their captor's hands in a last defiant blaze of dark and tragic magnificence."

That's not necessarily the case in dry climates. Here are a few pictures of some Onocyclus--and mostly Oncobred irises--in my garden this past spring. Names will come if clamored  for (they were all labeled)...The first is a regelia--first cousin to Onco. Iris stolonifera 'Barr's form'

Iris stolonifera 'George Barr'

Iris barnumae

Arilbreds in my home garden

Iris (uinknown)

Iris (unknown)

Iris 'Bagdad's Folly'

Iris 'Circus Parade'

Iris 'Desert Plum'

Iris 'Desert Plum'

Iris 'Dushanbe'

Iris 'Engraved'

Iris 'Hannah's Prayer''

Iris 'Kiosk'

Iris 'Loudmouth'

Iris 'Magic Dream'

Iris 'Omar's Gold'
Iris 'Omar's Torch'

Iris 'Omar's Torch'

Iris 'Oyez'

Iris 'Pennina's Provocation'

Iris 'Point Well Taken''

Iris'Point Well Taken'

Iris'Rivers of Babylon'

Iris'Spirit of Caleb'

Iris 'Syrian Moon'

Iris'Tian Shan'

Iris 'Cup Runneth Over'

Iris (unknown)
Iris (unknown)


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