Sunday 12 June 2016

Project 366: Week 23

Another week over and another round of photos to share for �Project 366 � 2016�. How am I still hanging on? I don�t know. And what the heck was I thinking when I committed to this? I don�t know. It�s been quite an experience so far!

This week's photo theme: This, That And The Other

Friday, June 03, 2016
The Pen
"I doubt this belongs to Mother Nature."

Project 366, Day 155: The Pen

Saturday, June 04, 2016
"A peaceful moment by the water.�

Project 366, Day 156: Tranquility

Sunday, June 05, 2016
The Path
"A path that�s been traveled many times."

Project 366, Day 157: The Path

Monday, June 06, 2016
Green and Yellow
"Such a pretty colour combination."

Project 366, Day 158: Green and Yellow

Tuesday, June 07, 2016
At The End Of The Day
"Taking a moment to appreciate my surroundings.�

Project 366, Day 159: At The End Of The Day

Wednesday, June 08, 2016
Green and Blue
�Another pretty colour combination.�

Project 366, Day 160: Green and Blue

Thursday, June 09, 2016
Posing For The Camera
�Making friends is one of the best parts of taking photographs.�

Project 366, Day 161: Posing For The Camera

What I've learned this week:
I love the month of June!
The clock is continuously ticking. Take the time to do the things you enjoy.
Answers to my questions often come when I�m surrounded by nature.
One day at a time. That�s about all any of us can handle!

And that�s all for this week. I hope you�re all enjoying a beautiful Sunday.


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