Thursday 2 June 2016

You're Probably Around My Age If... ever ?? boogie oogie oogied till you just couldn't boogie no more ??

Remember those days? The days of bell bottoms and turntables and mood rings and (highly-flammable) leisure suits and platform shoes and pinball machines and pet rocks and shaggy carpets and, of course, discotheques.

My friends and I snuck into many discotheques and dance clubs starting at the age of 16 with our fake IDs (gasp!) and big hair and mini skirts and blister-inducing high heels. Because we wanted to dance. And dance we did. For hours on end. Thankfully the places we got into were never raided because we would've been rounded up since most of us looked like we were 14. Some of us 12.

If you remember those days, then you're probably around my age. And you might even remember this song that inspired this post.

So did you ever ?? boogie oogie oogie till you just couldn't boogie no more ???


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