Tuesday 19 July 2016

If Only Genetic Research Could Do This...

Earlier today I shared a link on my Facebook page to a news article about the plan for 500 elephants to be tranquilized and moved to a larger preserve. This massive effort will be going on this month, next month and again next year. It�s a lengthy and tedious project, as you can imagine, but certainly an important one.

Apparently, conservationists are doing this to protect the threatened African elephant population from poaching and human encroachment. According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are estimated to be only about 470,000 of these beautiful animals left in the wild, down from several million last century. This saddens me. Angers me. MaKEs. mE. CRazY. Why can't humans just stop behaving like assholes and start respecting the planet and all living beings on it?

Now here's a thought:

With all the genetic research going on, wouldn�t it be wonderful if the asshole gene could be located and deleted from humanity? And the greed gene. Yeah, that one, too. Along with a few others. Can you think of some that could be removed to make this a better world? I�m sure you can! Go ahead and share them...


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