Thursday 13 October 2016

Point and shoot garden in Northwest Denver

Gomphrena 'Strawberry Fields' I believe...
Many years ago I came back from Oregon having visited Ernie and Marietta O'Byrne's magnificent garden near Eugene: I told my friend, Rob Proctor, all about it--and told him that I wanted to show him my pictures: every one seemed to glow and would reveal how brilliant they were. Rob responded how much he admired "point and shoot" gardens like that--where artistry was so blatant that any rube like myself could end up with some good shots Well, the pigeons have come home to roost! Monday evening Jan and I dropped in on Rob and David Macke to bring by some plants (and pick up a mighty fine plant--worth it's own blog!). We enjoyed a cup of tea and delicious slices of apple pie. The autumn sun was low, and I thought it would be good to take a few pics. These are they--pretty much as I pointed and shot in about 5 minutes of rapid dashing around the garden before it got any darker. I did crop a few--but most are what the camera saw. There are no end of unusual plants--I shan't begin labeling or it will take a week to get this out. We're several days past "first frost" date--so the color on this display is already a blessing--and the next week is predicted to be frost-free! Lucky are Rob and David to have this beauty all around them!

A particularly dark form of Chinese Golden Rain Tree (Kolretreuria paniculata)


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