Sunday 22 November 2009

Alive And Well

Yes, dear readers, I�m alive and well. I haven�t left town. I haven�t had trouble with my computer. And I don�t have one (or both) of my hands in a cast, which would keep me from typing. There is absolutely nothing keeping me from writing for my blog aside from lack of interest and lack of motivation. Maybe even lack of imagination, although I don�t think I�m quite there yet. I do have a number of posts that I�ve started but haven�t finished. Hopefully this week I can polish them up and add them to my blog.

While the garden sleeps, and while many of my winged and wingless backyard critters are away in warmer regions or hibernating till the spring, I�ll be writing about other things to keep this blog alive. These other things will include just about anything: recipes, book reviews, indoor plants, trivia, humour and so on; a real mixed bag.

I�m also considering dedicating a few days of the week to specific topics. For example, seeing as people don�t know much about ferrets, I may dedicate one day of the week to sharing information about these unique and unusual animals. I think Friday might be a good day for that; I could even name it �Ferrety Friday�.

And how about �Silly Sunday�? A day dedicated to humour, be it knock-knock jokes or funny pics. Or �Tuesday�s Trivia�? A day that will include posts with information about a specific animal or flower or garden tool or insect or some such thing. I�ve even thought about �Wacky Wednesday�, a day where I could add weird posts consisting of unusual stories and events that I could find on the internet and share with my readers.

These are some of the things I�ve been considering for my blog. All these ideas are still up in the air with the exception of �Ferrety Friday� that I�m quite serious about. It would be nice to share information about sweet, lovable ferrets that most people know nothing about; animals that are commonly misunderstood and often mistreated.

Anyway, so that�s pretty much what I�ve been pondering about my blog lately. Since I�m someone with a variety of interests, my posts should reflect that.

What does everyone think?

Oh, Bailey...


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