Wednesday 10 February 2010

Yup, It�s Definitely A Flower

Well, looks like I was right. The unusual growth on my Vriesea splendens is indeed a flower:

This is a very exciting moment because no Bromeliad under my care has ever flowered for me. And it�s also an ego stroking event because Vriesea splendens (from what I�ve learned over the years) does not bloom easily. So, you can imagine how inflated my plant-growing ego is these days (I�m having difficulty entering a room because my head is too big to fit through the door).

Anyhow, the flower is not quite done yet, and I suppose I could have waited till it is fully grown before posting a picture of it, but I couldn�t resist bragging about it. Plus, I get to post about this once more in the future so that I can brag about it all over again. Cool, huh?

Incredibly impressive green thumb giftedness aside (don�t you love tooting your own horn?), it�s really nice to see a bloom this time of year when everything outdoors is dead or dormant. Also, it�s the only plant in the house that�s blooming, so I may as well milk it for all it�s worth.


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