Monday 8 February 2010

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Okay, so is everybody here?


Now, listen up folks because I have some incredible news about Bailey. Are you ready?

�Get on with it already. Sheesh.�

Alrighty. Well, I was doing some research on ferrets the other day, basically trying to prepare a post for the next ferrety Friday, which is one about male versus female ferrets, whether one is a better choice than the other, how you can tell the difference between them, the importance of spaying and neutering, etc, etc, etc. And guess what?


Well, you have to guess.

"Fine. Is Bailey pregnant?"

[Chuckle...giggle�snicker...cough...] Um. No.

"Bailey is in heat?"

[Chuckle...giggle�snicker...cough...] Nope.

�Oh come on, water roots lady, just get to the point already, would you?�

Alright, alright. I discovered...drum roll please...that our little Bailey is a BOY, NOT A GIRL!


That was pretty much my reaction!

�But how did this happen? Didn�t they tell you that your ferret was a female at the pet store�

They sure did.

�So what happened?�

Well, there were a couple of young girls working that day and, from what I gathered, they didn�t seem entirely sure about whether Bailey was male or female. They must have taken a guess and gotten it wrong. Hmmm...come to think of it, there were a lot of things about ferrets they didn�t seem too sure about.�

�But you didn�t think to check?�

[shrug] I believed them when they told me Bailey is a female.

�Are you sure that Bailey is male?�

Oh, yeah. I�m sure

�Poor Bailey. What has this done to her...oops...his self esteem?�

Well, she...I mean he seems fine. And he�s dook-dooking as much as always, so I guess it hasn�t been an issue.

�Could you be wrong?�

I don�t think so. A visit to the vet in the near future will say for sure, but I�m pretty confident that Bailey is a boy.



Hey, Bailey, have anything to say?

Don�t push it, Bailey.


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