Thursday 11 March 2010

And The Garden Survey Says...

Yuck, bleh and ugh...

Those are the words that best describe what my garden looks like after suffering through a long, cold winter, especially in its unfinished state.

Let�s take a closer look:

This is a hydrangea. Can you tell?

The miniature yellow roses have seen better days:

As have the coneflowers:

I can�t even find the butterfly weed that I planted last summer. Oh where, oh where could it be?

Then there�s the lilac tree that got a huge haircut before winter. We�ll have to see how it grows out this year.

The front of the house is no better (there are three hostas somewhere in that mess):

It�s just as messy (but empty of plants) on the right side of the house:

This little section has bulbs planted in it (tulips and daffodils) that I�m looking forward to seeing soon:

When I stepped closer, I was surprised (and worried) to see some growth:

I�m not sure whether this happened in the fall or if it�s recent. In any case, I hope the flowers emerge without a problem. I�d hate for something to go (or have gone) wrong with these bulbs.


Things look pretty bleak out there, but it�s much too early to get out and build a garden. Spring is rolling in, though, so it�s just a matter of time before I�m out there digging in the dirt. There might not be much to look at right now, but you just wait and see what I do with this place come planting time. I�ve got plans people...lots of plans...

Oh, and while I was out front taking photos, I felt like I was being watched. Seems I was right. There was a little face pressed up against my front window, watching my every move...

Oh my, looks like my windows are in dire need of a good cleaning...


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