Sunday 21 March 2010

Not Only Humans Enjoy Bird Watching

Earlier this week, I was reading in a book that I borrowed from the library near my home that gardening is the most popular hobby in America (I�ll throw Canada in here, too) followed by bird feeding. Well, I�m certainly part of this trend; I�ve happily joined both of these clubs.

But there�s a third club that I�m a member of that I think should rank high: bird watching. I believe that this hobby is much more extensive than we think because I don�t think only humans participate in it. At least not in my house. In addition to the humans in my home (well, mostly me, really), the feline member is a huge fan of bird watching.

Nacho spends a big part of her day watching the birds:

(I wonder what she�s thinking...)

She enjoys watching the birds so much that I wouldn't be surprised if she dreams about them too:

So, yup, I�m inclined to believe that bird watching ranks pretty high as a hobby - for humans and cats alike.


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