Wednesday 14 April 2010

A Flurry Of Activity

While I�m waiting for the gardening season to fully arrive (can�t dive completely in there until the last possible frost), I�m enjoying the flurry of activity going on with my feathered friends. Our backyard has become one of the most favoured places to hang out. I�d like to say that it�s because they find me so charming, but that would be a lie; they�re coming around because of all the food and water I provide to them. Take that way and they�d drop me like a hot potato.

So. Here are a few photos of some of our visitors:

The Robins are here every day for hours.

In fact, a Robin couple has gotten so comfortable that they�ve decided to build their nest on our home. I�m so honoured... And I�m really looking forward to watching them create and raise a family. It�ll be exciting to witness!

There is a Blue Jay couple that drops by several times a day for peanuts. I�m personally thrilled that they hang around the yard. But the robins? Not so much. They hate the Blue Jays and try to chase them away every time.

Even the cardinals, as timid as they are, drop in a couple of times of day.

Occasionally, they�re even a little brave and come close to the house.

This guy looks like he�s up to no good.

And this guy was trying to sneak in and steal a peanut that was meant for the Blue Jays.

He was successful!

Watching these little critters is one of the best parts of my day!


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