Wednesday 20 April 2011

Pretty Spring Bulbs

�The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring�
~ Bern Williams ~

The perennials in the garden are waking up slowly, but it�s the spring bulbs that have been center stage so far. So far, the daffodils have been the most eager to get going. But I�m expecting the tulips to rise in this same flower bed (in back of our home) within the next month. Hopefully they�ll awaken while the daffodils are still around because it would create a nice contrast (the tulips are a purplish colour), but I�m not holding my breath. Still. Better some flowers than none.

The spring bulbs in the front of the house are just getting started, so I�ll be posting about them in the future. In that flower bed, there are also some crocuses and hyacinth bulbs, to I�m really looking forward to that.


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