Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Garden art revisited...

Sculpture at Agricultural College rock garden, Truro, Nova Scotia
In one of my nearly prehistoric blog postings was just a tad hasty dismissing the subject of garden ornamentation. Since that time, more than a few little garden tchotchkies have snuck into the otherwise sacred confines of my own garden (although I have balked at liberating the cast iron garden gnome I was given by a certain person rather close to me....even if it was hand painted in China). Truth be said, the synergy of ambitious garden sculpture exhibits and garden spaces has had an astonishing impact on public gardens over the course of my professional life: I'm dashing this post off before I return to Denver later today where the ambitious Chihuly glass sculpture exhibit has already had a transformative impact on my workplace. And it's only just officially in the process of debuting!

These pictures, which I suspect you will enjoy, were taken mostly on a day-long garden tour of the Atlantic Rhododendron and Horticulture Society--my principal host for a recent lecture tour I'm just completing in Nova Scotia.  It would be hard to imagine nine more distinct and varied gardens than those we toured last Sunday (June 8): the rhododendrons and azaleas were, of course, legion and spectacular--as were the lavish woodland, alpine and perennial gardens: I hope to feature a few of these for their own, horticultural reasons. But the garden sculptures provided a wonderful whimsical leitmotif through the day I thought would be worth viewing on their own. I begin with a few larger pieces at the fantastic rock garden of the Agricultural College of Truro--which I will feature in depth in my NEXT blog. Enjoy!

A delightfully rusty giant flowered Hedyotis one can "feed" with change at Truro.

I never got the name of a sculptor who produced a number of these "balbal" like stelae I saw in several gardens--a tad more whimsical than the prehistoric balbals of the Central Asian Turkic horde!

A rusty, musical frog sculpture reminded me of the photograph of a combo of frogs at Les Quattres Vents.

More frogs at the same garden--another leitmotif!

Thus bulbul is almost in over his head!

One of my favorite sculptures (I am fond of Athena's emblematic bird), perfectly nestled in the first garden we visited.

An especially cheerful bulbul. I just notice it may be nibbling on the Alchemilla.

If you were wondering,? is Chinese for Springtime. I loved this one which was nestled on top of the most remarkable wall in the most picture perfect garden imaginable.

Now this is a snail most of us wouldn't mind in our garden! I did see some of its smaller, less welcome brethren--even

This is the kind of rabbit most of us would rather have in our gardens.

A lovely evocation of a bodhisatva...

And an Egyptian motif--all these in the same garden: tying the garden subconsciously perhaps into world Civilization.

A time tested sculptural element in another classically designed and lovely garden.

Simple and classical as well--but still attractive in the same garden.

Almost the only sculpture in this ambitious garden...can't tell if it's T.Rex or Godzilla.

I rather liked this pesky dragon...

Ladybugs are always welcome...

As are chanticleers.

A rather simple, stylized shore bird...

If a large, quadrangular granitic boulder mottled with lichens doesn't qualify as garden art, what does?

I believe this is Zimbabwean. Some of this garden art is quite distinctive in association.

I believe this may be an authentic Ship's figure head. Although a bit pristine for the task...

Not sure if this giant shelf mushroom at Truro was intentional or accidental garden art--perhaps the very best kind!


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