�If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?�
- Anonymous -
When I started paying attention to my surroundings,
really paying attention, photography became that much more enjoyable. Because that�s when I began noticing some interesting, unusual, fascinating and even amusing things.
Like in the images below:
Colourful shops brighten up the street. |
What you see when you look up through a hydro tower (transmission tower). |
The first time in my life I've ever seen Purple Martins. Can you say excited? |
Wow, kids are quite sophisticated with their sidewalk drawings these days. |
An old phone booth. How cool is this? |
Unbeknownst to me at the time, this fish is kissing my a$$. (Photo by the most amazing man in the world.) |
How often do you see a warning like this? People actually made this sign necessary. |
You've been warned... |
A beautiful day, to all!
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