Monday, 12 January 2015


I have so much to be thankful for. As the new year begins I strongly feel that it's a time to say 'thank you' to each and every one of you. You all have been my strength, courage & support throughout my blogging journey. I was nothing and you all made me a beautiful person, I feel content and happy all the time. I find myself very fortunate that I got connected with such wonderful and lovely people in this virtual world of blogging. Now I have friends from many different countries, religions, and cultures and that's what I love about blogging. 


I am grateful to God for giving everything that I had in the past, I have today and will have in future. I am grateful to my parents, siblings and my wonderful, lovely, sweet & small family for their endless support and selfless love, for their precious time that they spend with me and make me feel special, for their encouraging words that keep me going, I couldn't ask for more. I am grateful to all fellow bloggers who are always there to help and keep inspiring me. I am grateful to you all my friends and readers, you never fail to encourage and support me, no matter in which part of the world you are, you are always there for me whenever I need you. Thank you! Thank you very much.

I would like to thank those friends too, who always see negative in me, who try to put me down, who always discourage me and try to create negativity around me, who criticize me in every way possible, who never even congratulate me on my success, people....believe me you are my best friends because you bring the best out of me. Every time you try to put me down I rise and run with strength double than earlier. I am very grateful to you friends, but I request you to stop being jealous, instead be grateful for what all you have got, as gratitude blocks toxic emotions :) look in the mirror, think about me and SMILE :) kill those toxic emotions as soon as possible. 

My dear friends and readers, I read somewhere and would like to share the secret to happiness with you, it's Gratitude!!
"Gratitude is not only the greatest virtues but the parent of all the others".
The secret to happiness is- express gratitude, practice kindness, spread cheer and savor joy
I have experienced this many a times that when you become grateful for everything that happens in life, you see the world with new eyes, you find yourself calm, happy and content, your life becomes full of wonderful opportunities.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friends Vandana and Nayana, who sent very beautiful and thoughtful gift for me. Thanks, girls!! We joined a wonderful group on FB that focuses on gardening and we decided to send some gardening related gifts to each other. This is what I got. I am a happy girl now :)
Nayana sent me beautiful wooden trinket box, lovely dangler and cinnamon sticks. I loved them all :)


Vandana sent me fabulous orange watering can planter and very classy Varnam box. What lovely friends and what beautiful gifts :)

I have a lot to share but I wish I had at least 36 hrs in a day to make it possible. Let me quickly share some very important things:
1) My blog is considered as one the best Indian design blogs. Thank you, Hindustan Times :)
2) It crossed more than 4,50,000 hits recently. Thank you, readers :)
3) I earned money in six figures in just 4 months and that too through blogging. Thanks to Blogger, Google and my clients :)
4) I did very first commissioned wall art project, post about it will be coming shortly. Thanks to the wonderful client :)
5) I took a plunge into the video blogging and it's also paying me handsomely. Thanks to viewers :) You can subscribe to my Youtube channel here.

That's all from me. Stay tuned lovely people, a very talented artist will be joining us shortly.


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