As I promised in the last post, here I am with an artist who was doing great in her professional life, but then she realized that 'Art' is her first love and now she is following her heart. So without further ado, let me introduce you to a very talented painter- Trishna Patnaik
Please let us know a little more about you.
Disha, Thank you for this opportunity.
Well, I am Trishna Patnaik , a Bsc (in Life Sciences) and MBA (in Marketing) by qualification but an artist by choice. A self-taught artist so to speak and, I have been practicing art for 13 years now.
I have had a few professional stints in various corporate of repute. Three years of my corporate stint made me realize that I�m designed for something more meaningful. I found my true calling in my strength, my hobby, my inner voice, my freedom/ platform to express, my passion that is painting.
I�m now a full-time professional painter pursuing my passion to create and explore to the fullest. Contemporary Art is what gets me going. I am working smart on developing my unique style. It�s a road less traveled but a journey that I look forward to everyday.
I am glad to know that you are following your heart now. When and how you realized your passion about Painting.
Painting for me has been synonymous to meditation. It has been my stress buster, my get away, my platform to express, my energizer for as long as I can remember.
Coming from a service sector inclined background getting a decent job after a decent degree was always a priority in the family! But there was a perpetual uneasiness in everything I pursued .Because I was doing it as I �HAD� to do it. Only when I use to paint I felt �Free�. There was no �Have� to do it then!
Also the other part of the story is that I use to dislike the whole thought of an art class in my school. It was so rule book based, so full of marks and grades etc. Draw and paint a rainy day or accident on a road or a mela etc. were the usual topics in school. I could never really understand that I am good in this or inclined towards art!Probably because of which the thought to go to an Art School never occurred to me at all.
I preferred art which I learned and did as my hobby with various artists during weekends and vacations. It was in my 10th std vacation that I enjoyed the whole learning process a lot more! I kept coming back to it in every vacation or even weekends till my graduation. In fact I began even painting my own artworks. Then my MBA happened and then I got a job.
As I got more and more into the routine of a desk job, I felt more and more claustrophobic, disoriented. It was because I lacked a goal! I found my solace only when I painted! So I moonlight as a painter. In the process I worked for almost 16 hours a day for almost 2 years! Finally I took the call to be a Full Time Artist.
I believe I am born to paint. I believe I am fluid. In other words creative, hence sticking to a routine for a lifetime would be ridiculous! I am glad I am a self taught artist, as it keeps the spark of the perpetual need to learn going. I am learning till date and will always continue to do so!
That's very inspiring Trishna. We would love to know more about your passion. How many mediums and techniques of painting you have worked on.
I have dabbled with all mediums right from pencil to charcoal to colour pencils to pastels to water colours to acrylics to oils!
Each medium is beautiful and has something unique to offer.
I have applied techniques as per the artworks requirement. The purpose of using a technique is not to �USE IT� to prove a point but to add value to a painting without making that �VALUE ADDITION� obvious.
I believe the whole point of been a painter is to express rather than impress.
And once you are set to only express, the medium of expression can vary and the techniques could be straight out of the book or even something which has never been seen before.
I really admire your thought process Trishna. Though for a passionate painter like you it's difficult to answer this but I would love to know which one is your favorite medium and why.
Now that�s difficult to choose. It actually depends on the painting.
I never paint on the paper or canvas. I always paint in my mind first and then I only manually pursue my artwork with my hands.
Sometimes I need Charcoal to complete my rendition, sometimes its water colours and sometimes even Acrylics!
I love the fact how a small Charcoal stick or crayon can create fire on paper!
I love the ease with which water colours leave their base transparent and are so intriguing!
Acrylics, well what can I say, it�s the fastest and the least messy of all the mediums. A masterpiece can be created in no time!
What inspires you to paint. Is it nature, human, everyday life or something else.
Everything around me is inspiring. If not to the conscious mind then definitely to the subconscious However, I am more inclined towards three different themes within the Contemporary Art arena.
One theme is Abstracts, the second is Graphics and the third Faces.
I like the inflow of colour in various modes, directions, paths etc. to make my abstracts.
I like the amalgamation of shapes, silhouette, forms etc. to make my graphics.
What other than Painting excites you.
Well, it�s a cliche, but I guess I eat, live, breathe painting only as it�s my passion.
I want to pursue a course in Curatorial Studies in the near future to expand my wings in the arena of Art.
I do enjoy the thought of baking though and would like to explore the idea of been a film critic some day.
And I am planning to learn the guitar this year, as I enjoy music on a very basic level!
Please share the links where we can find your Art work and where my blog readers can get connected with you.
I am planning on having my own website by next year maybe.
Last but not the least, as everyone dreams of being something in life, what you have dreamed of.
My dream is to leave a legacy behind me. I don�t want to live a regular life where after 60 years, I get a pension and have a farmhouse and I say to myself I have lived my dream so now I will relax and enjoy! I want every day to be a challenge. I want everyday to be new. I want to wake up every day with a smile on my face and clueless of what life throws next at me. My dream is to be a perpetual stream of water that is in no hurry to find a shore.
Trishna it was great pleasure to know about you and your true passion. I wish you all the success ahead. Thoughts play a major role in determining the quality of life and your thoughts just reflect that you are living a beautiful life. Thanks for inspiring all of us.
Dear readers what do you think about this amazing artist. Do drop a line or two. You can read about other inspiring eminent artists by clicking this link.
Stay tuned!! I am exploring a new device and will be talking about it in my next post.
P.S. All the image are provided by Trisha Patnaik and subject to copyright.
Trishna it was great pleasure to know about you and your true passion. I wish you all the success ahead. Thoughts play a major role in determining the quality of life and your thoughts just reflect that you are living a beautiful life. Thanks for inspiring all of us.
Dear readers what do you think about this amazing artist. Do drop a line or two. You can read about other inspiring eminent artists by clicking this link.
Stay tuned!! I am exploring a new device and will be talking about it in my next post.
P.S. All the image are provided by Trisha Patnaik and subject to copyright.
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