Thursday, 7 May 2015

Plants, Flowers, Orchids, Mushrooms and Travel

Do you love to ?#?travel? and also love ?#?plants?? Love to visit the local ?#?botanical? gardens when you visit someplace new? If you happen to be in the vicinity of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, you might want to set aside a few hours to visit ?#?LongwoodGardens?
The grounds of Longwood Gardens encompasses over 1,000 acres of woodlands, meadows, gardens and fountains. Spring and summer are great seasons to visit as many plants and flowers will be in glorious bloom!

Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

The largest conservatory in the U.S. is located at Longwood Gardens with 4.5 acres of wonderful plant life to enjoy. And please don't miss the Orchid Room in the conservatory, a grand collection of more than 9,000 plants. Sounds like a wonderful trip!
And if you visit in September, plan to take in the 30th Annual Mushroom Festival on September 12 and 13, 2015. Known as the mushroom capital of the world, this area produces about one million pounds of mushrooms per week! Wow, that's alot of mushrooms...


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