Friday, 8 April 2016

Project 366: Week 14

Here we are at another end of the week and somehow or other I managed to round up another seven photos. Because I�m determined to stick with this. Again, no specific theme; just random shots of whatever captures my eye.

My motivation was just as low this time around if not lower for this photo project and even for blogging, which I didn�t bother with again yesterday. It could be the weather causing it, it could be a number of other things that I won�t bore my readers with. But I�ve been down this road before and I trust that this feeling will pass.

Now here are the pictures that I kicked myself in the rear end to capture. Enjoy them or else... *snort*

This week's photo theme: This Week

Friday, April 01, 2016
By The Pond
"Taking a stroll by the water is my favourite thing to do."

Project 366, Day 92: By The Pond

Saturday, April 02, 2016
Waiting Patiently
"Next in line to order coffee.�

Project 366, Day 93: Waiting Patiently

Sunday, April 03, 2016
Evening Stroll
"Beauty can be found in the simplest ways."

Project 366, Day 94: Evening Stroll

Monday, April 04, 2016
Snow In April
"Not what you want to see this late in the year."

Project 366, Day 95: Snow In April

Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Keep The Faith
"The weather will get better and spring will truly spring.�

Project 366, Day 96: Keep The Faith

Wednesday, April 06, 2016
Buried In Snow
�Not the type of weather these flowers want to wake up to.�

Project 366, Day 97: Buried In Snow

Thursday, April 07, 2016
At The Bird Bath
�Hanging around the bird bath on a snowy morning on a spring day.�

Project 366, Day 98: At The Bird Bath

What I've learned this week:
I do not like seeing snow in April.
You can round up seven images even if you have to force yourself to do it.
My love for photography must be profound to keep this going even when I don�t feel like it.
I�m proud of myself for completing another week of this project!

Week fourteen is over and I managed to stay afloat. Have a wonderful weekend, blogging friends!


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