Sunday, 1 May 2016

Botanic gleanings...a brisk walk in late April...

Hylomecon japonicum
I think the pictures speak for themselves! We start in Plantasia, then the Rock Alpine Garden ("RAG") and finally Plant Select...with a quick peak at the Iris garden. There are fifty gardens I DIDN'T show--also full of treasures, but so be it. I cannot begin to express the delight and the privilege to work in a paradise that is a botanic garden. And this one has grown so enormously in my tenure--and there are so many talented young gardeners here. What can I say? Not much--so I'll stick to doing putting on some labels! Enjoy...

Iris magnifica

Iris graeberiana

Steppe portion of Plantasia in tulip time

Scrophularia chrysantha and Veronica

Scrophularia chrysantha

Fritillaria uva-vulpis and a few Fritillaria pallidiflora

Fritillaria olivieri
Roger Mudd has advised that this is actually "Fritillaria amana, which was known as F. hermonis v. amana until 2002."

Fritillaria meleagris--one of two big patches!

Iris bucharica gone wild...

Itris bucharica gone even wilder

Clematis scottii

Fritillaria meleagris another big patch!

Crevice garden at entrance of RAG

Trough at entrance of RAG

Erica carnea 'Vivellii'

Paeonia officinalis 'Alba'

Corydalis solida and Thlaspi sp.

Corydalis solida mixed shades

Anemone ranunculoides and Helleborus xhybridus

Back to the crevice garden

The color on this Pasqueflower is too good to miss: forgive me M.K. for including the composite...

Another Crevice Garden with Aubrieta gracilis

Paeonia kavachensis gone nuts (thank you Don Hackenberry!)

Euphorbia capitulata

Ranunculus laxus v. laxus

Erythronium albidum and pasquefllowers

Bergenia stracheyi 'Alba'

Bergenia ciliata

Salix 'Boyd's Pendulous'

Lots of visitors the other day...

And more Corydalis solida (George Baker no doubt)

Another overview

On and on and on it goes...

The Flowers on Shandong Maple are quite showy...


Tulipa chrysantha (front) and Erodium cf. chrysanthum behind.

And more tulips!

And we have to end with our signature juno: Iris bucharica


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