Friday 29 April 2016

Project 366: Week 17

Another Friday, another round of photos taken for �Project 366 � 2016�. This week has been very busy and the weekend will be, too. More on that another time. But despite everything, I did manage to put together seven images to share with you today.

This week's photo theme: Garden Awakenings

Friday, April 22, 2016
"One of the first flowers to put on a show in the spring."

Project 366, Day 113: Daffodils

Saturday, April 23, 2016
"They may be small but these dainty flowers pack a punch in the garden.�

Project 366, Day 114: Dainty

Sunday, April 24, 2016
Bold and Beautiful
"Red is one of the most eye-catching colours in the garden."

Project 366, Day 115: Bold and Beautiful

Monday, April 25, 2016
"One of the most beautiful sights in the garden is the first signs of a plant making its way into the world after a long winter."

Project 366, Day 116: Unfurling

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
"They may be a nuisance to you on your lawn, but dandelions are beneficial in so many ways.�

Project 366, Day 117: Dandelions

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Pretty In Purple
�Purple is associated with words like mystery, royalty, prestige, magic and spirituality. In the garden, it's simply beautiful.�

Project 366, Day 118: Pretty In Purple

Thursday, April 28, 2016
A Burst Of Colours
�Why settle on just one colour? This little plant is doing it right!�

Project 366, Day 119: A Burst Of Colours

What I've learned this week:
Take breaks in the garden and let nature soothe you.
Overcast days are fabulous for photographing flowers.
Every single spring I am always in awe of the way the earth awakens.
I am grateful for another week and all the joys it has brought with it.

And that�s it for now. Thanks for visiting, everyone, and have a beautiful weekend!


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