Monday, 23 May 2016

Chuckles and Chortles

Happy Monday, everyone. How are you all doing? Was the weekend good to you? Ours is still going on because today is a holiday in Canada. And what a weekend! The weather has been absolutely amazing. Saturday we spent the whole afternoon outdoors doing stuff. For the most amazing man in the world it was all about taking care of the lawn and power washing stuff. For me...gardening. Hour upon hour of glorious gardening. I tell you, this gardening stuff is like meditating. Nothing else quite like it.

Then yesterday we took an impulsive trip to Ottawa for another run through IKEA for a few things. Back in my favourite store for the third time in less than a month! Does it get any better? Of course it does. Because after that we met up with my daughter in the downtown area and we all went for dinner. She is doing great in her new city. I miss her, of course, but I'm so proud of her and so happy that she's faring so well.

What's up for today? For starters, I'm planning to give our outdoor bench a fresh coat of paint. After that, who knows. So let's get to the funny stuff and get on with the day...

Have a great day!


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