Thursday 28 July 2016

Like Zombies

When my best friend was in town last week, we took her downtown for dinner and after we ate we headed over to popular, waterfront Confederation Park, which is located across the street from City Hall.

And all of a sudden, 'they' began to arrive...

Gathering in groups.

Huddled together. Staring down at their phones.

Not paying attention to their surroundings, only what was happening on their screen.

It was surreal. And pretty creepy, too.

The most amazing man in the world and I have been to this park countless times in the seven years we've lived in this city and we've never seen anything like it. Masses of people being directed - and controlled - by a game!

Has the Pok�mon Go craze invaded your area? That game that has people walking around in a zombie-like state? And searching for imaginary creatures? Are you a victim of this?


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