Friday 5 August 2016

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Ah, the dog days of summer. We've been getting our fair share over here. It's been very hot and humid for quite some time now. The city has issued heat health warnings to all residents, but particularly to more vulnerable ones like the elderly, infants, young children, individuals working outside, people with chronic illnesses, etc. I think they should include menopausal women. Because extreme heat on top of hot flashes doesn't bode well for them...or for the people around them!

It's been quite extensive this hot spell and it wouldn't be that bad if only we'd get some rain now and again. But nope, no rain. None. It has been so dry for so long that gardens and lawns everywhere are struggling and really suffering. My own plants are barely managing. And I've lost a few that just couldn't deal with it anymore.

The most amazing man in the world and I have also been sleeping in my daughter's room in the basement for a few weeks now. When she moved out, she took the furniture from our spare bedroom instead of her own and this has turned out to be a blessing because we've got a bed to sleep on in a room that is wonderfully cool. So cool that you need a blanket. And because the foundation of our home is concrete, it is also very quiet. Cool, dark and silent; the ideal setting. I haven't slept this well in ages. It's no wonder she loved her room so much when she was here.

So we have been dealing with extreme heat and extreme dryness. If you've got some rain to spare, send it right over!

And speaking of heat, here's a fun song from all the way back in the early 80s when I was oh-so much younger. Enjoy.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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