Monday 8 August 2016

Glimpses of Denver Botanic Gardens at the end of July...

A glimpse of the new Steppe Garden situated at the very heart of DBG: a garden that a few years ago I never would have even dared imagined might exist! I'm not sure how it came about, but I am thrilled with the result: I am sure this garden will usher in a whole new suite of wonderful plants for us to grow! Emmanuel Didier (of Didier Studios in Fort Collins) did the schematic design and oversaw construction. Mike Bone from our staff and his team did the planting design and installation. I've been doing the gawking!

An intriguing "trough"--with a spring on the other side...

Last week saw the dedication of a new All American Selection annual garden as well...surprisingly full when it had just been planted!

Another glimpse of A.A.S.

Closeup of Lilium henryi, which is growing in several gardens...

Lilium henryi

An overall shot in the perennial border.

Entrance to Plantasia

Closeup featuring the non-variegated, non golden form of Hakonechloa macra..still a striking plant for a shade garden.

Impatiens bicolor
Dan Johnson and I collected this in the Pakistan Himalaya in 2001.

Incarvillea olgae
I have always wanted to plant a thousand of these in a field and see if any genetic dwarfs would happen: if we could get one 2' instead of 4' tall it would be a HUGE seller (as Trump would say)...

Seed on Paeonia mascula

I have an excessive fondness for Echinops (as do the bumblebees)

Melinis nerviglume in the South African Plaza

Original crevice garden

A fantabulous Scabiosa aff. graminifolia form

Just love the way plants grow in the crevices

Storm clouds of Limonium latifolium

A wonderful form of Scutellaria orientalis ssp. pinnatifida

Campanula alliarifolia

Hips on Rosa pulverulenta

Symphyandra hoffmannii

More Symphyandra hoffmannii

Acantholimon aff venusta

Daphne x 'Anton Fahndrich'

Impatiens glandulifera--dwarfed on a rock garden (it should be 8' tall)

Aquilegia hinckleyi (one of the best)

Polystichum aculeatum: I grew this from spore sent to me by Reginald Kaye in the 1970's

A hybrid of Clematis texensis

Rock Alpine Garden: Lilium davidii in foreground

Snail's eye view of Lilium davidii: I do love lilies.

Pelargonium endlicherianum
Pelargonium endlicherianum
Up close and personal!

Seedpods on peonies are amazing

Acantholimon huetii

Seseli gummiferum
Hats off to the marketing genius who first called this "moon carrot" of our signature plants now..

Campanula fragilis v. cavolinii
Possibly my favorite campanula. Or one of my 25 or fifty faves anyway...

Origanum 'Barbara Tinguey'

Achnatherum calamagrostis

Dianthus petraeus v. noeanus
In the evening the tropical scent of this white flowered pink is positively overwhelming.

Acantholimon hohenakeri

Trachelium rumelianum

Campanula incurva--blooming still after 3 months!

Love the textures of summer...

The terrace parterre is looking full...

Delicious orange and chartreuse color scheme on the Promenade

Love our succulent collection and glad to see it escape the much too small, cramped greenhouse!

Dan Johnson is an amazing of his many gems at the Gardens

Dasylirion texanum

Nolina lindheimeri

Zauschneria on Watersmart

Pictre taken on Thursday--the next day "Little Stinky" opened. Today (Monday, the 8) it's over...sorry we both missed it!


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