Tuesday 9 August 2016

You're Probably Around My Age If...

...your doctor or dentist or optometrist, and so on, looks young enough to be your son or daughter.

I've been noticing this a lot lately. This big age difference between them and me. It started with my optometrist who looks like he's in his 20s. I felt my age the day I met him.

My next encounter was at the dental clinic I've been going to since we moved here in 2009. My dentist left the clinic last year and another one came in and took over his patients. When the new one walked in to check my teeth after the cleaning, I wondered how he could be practicing dentistry when he couldn't possibly be more than...18.

Last month I made a doctor's appointment and - because my GP was on holiday - I was seen by one of the doctors replacing her while she's away. A young one. Very young. She looked about the age of my older daughter who turned 24 in June. And if that.

All these young people are up and coming. And it's truly wonderful to see the youth and enthusiasm and knowledge of the latest techniques and innovations. The reminder that I'm getting older by the minute? Not so much.

Have you noticed this?


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