Friday 21 October 2016

This Week

Here we are again. The end of another week. It's cold and gloomy and pouring rain outside as I write this. It's the side of the fall season that I don't like. Any day now the leaves on the trees will fall and the raking will begin. Or the mulching. We don't rake or bag or blow leaves; we mulch them into our lawn. And add some into the flower beds, as well. Good eatin' for the garden.

Have you watched any good movies lately? We've been watching some older ones. A few days ago we saw 'Brubaker' starring Robert Redford. It's a prison drama about newly arrived prison warden, Henry Brubaker, who attempts to clean up a corrupt and violent and abusive penal system. It's pretty good. I always enjoy films that Robert Redford is in; he's a good actor.

While watching 'Brubaker', the most amazing man in the world commented on how young Robert Redford is in this film. Of course he is. This movie dates back to 1980. I was young then, too. Only 15. I didn't have grey hair, a mortgage, children I worried about or any other grownup responsibilities. I wasn't dealing with menopause and all its madness. My vision hadn't begun to deteriorate, therefore I didn't have to hold reading material out at arms length (in bright light) or wear reading glasses daily or carry around a mini magnifying glass to read the fine print on products that at my age is one big blur. I didn't have to kick my metabolism in the ass (once upon a time it was a powerhouse) to keep it from spending the day napping. And my body didn't make creaking, popping and rattling sounds. Some of you know what I'm talking about. Some of you are still too young to understand all this but you'll get there one day!

Moving on...

I've been listening to a lot of music lately as I continue to paint furniture, which I'll share photos of eventually since some of you requested some. But not today. Today I will share the video below of the song Renegades by the band X Ambassadors. Maybe you'll like it, too. Or not. Doesn't matter. What does matter is that the weekend is here again and I'm going to wish you all a good one!


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