Tuesday 1 November 2016

It's The Little Things: A Purring Lap Cat

As my longtime readers know, the most amazing man in the world and I have two cats. Both of them rescues from the local humane society. The one in the photo below is named Mocha, although I rarely call her that. I use a few other cute and somewhat silly nicknames, which she actually responds to. I'm surprised she isn't messed up about that considering every couple of years I change her nicknames.

Anyhow, every morning after she's done with her breakfast, she comes over to where I am, jumps on my lap, snuggles up against me and purrs up a storm. Every. Single. Morning. Like she's thanking me for feeding her, caring for her. I've never had a cat do this before; it's the most amazing thing. When she'd done showing her gratitude, she can be found doing this:

The marathon snooze after a hearty meal.

Incidentally, my other cat never ever shows any gratitude after I feed her in the morning. I am here, after all, to serve her.


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