Monday 31 October 2016

Chuckles and Chortles

Happy Monday, everyone, and happy Halloween! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We sort of hibernated the past couple of days, because sometimes you need a little of that, but we did manage to go out for coffee and be part of civilization. Now that my battery is more or less fully charged, I will once again pick up the pace.

Lots of sunshine here today but a little cold. Thankfully there's no rain in the forecast, so the little witches and pirates and princesses and vampires can get out tonight and enjoy the holiday. They may have to bundle up but at least they won't have to carry umbrellas around. Or miss out completely. Some parents do not take the kids out if the weather is really bad.

Anyhow, here's some Halloween(y) humour for you.

Have a great day, everyone.


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