Friday 11 November 2016

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada; a day to honour those who have served and sacrificed for our peace and freedom. Many of us are enjoying the liberties we enjoy because of these individuals and I think we should be grateful to them every day.


It�s been quite an emotional and stressful week for my American friends. Actually, the whole year has been thorny. But the last few days have been particularly difficult. I�m sorry that you have dealt with this conflict and continue to do so. My wish for all of you is that you come together as a country and work toward healing and harmony. There are people out there who are continuing to fuel anger and division. Why not be someone who promotes peace and unity?

Speaking of anger and division, I am really close to ending a friendship with a woman I�ve known since we were twelve. I thought I knew her. Turns out I really don�t. We are on opposite sides of the spectrum on many issues and that�s okay. What�s not okay is the bashing that I see on her Facebook page toward people with opposing political and social views and opinions. One of her distastes (or rather, revulsions) is liberals. I don�t care if she likes or doesn�t like the liberal mindset. What I do care about is the name calling. Things like: �progressive puppets�, �stupid liberals�, �dimwit liberals� and so on. Well, I am a liberal. And so are my daughters and many others I know. When she tosses those insults around in such a harsh manner, she also targets us in a harsh manner. There is no need for it. My circle consists of liberals, conservatives and everything in-between. And we get along - and will continue to get along - just fine, even while debating an issue, as long as we don�t resort to that kind of behaviour. Why can�t she state her opinion without all the name-calling? And how can we possibly remain friends when she feels this way?

Anyhow, I just finished my second cup of coffee, my slow cooker is plugged in, the sun is shining and the weekend is here. Life is good. I�m going to end this blogging week with yet another song that I hope I haven�t already shared. It�s �Stand by you� by Rachel Platten. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday 10 November 2016

Magical mint: Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson'

Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' at the Garden at Kendrick Lake
Certain plants just possess that certain "je ne sais quoi" (You might be amused to click on that and read some alternative translations of the phrase)...but basically, there are the plants one sees and simply HAS to grow: I struggled to obtain this wonderful Southern California native, and finally did get one (in an IPPS auction) originating with Suncrest Nursery, and ultimately from the eponymous Sampsons who first selected it. I had grown a few from wild collected seed in the distant past that were short lived and never did much: this clone seems to be much more tolerant of gardens

I have had many people tell me that they've had trouble growing this: I thought it would be insgructrive to see how well it's doing in four or five local gardens (many public with infrequent attention) and looking mighty good indeed! I have many more pictures from previous years...perhaps I shall add rhesel

Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' at the Garden APEX crevice garden in Arvada

Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' at the Garden at the Colorado Springs Xeriscape Demonstration Garden

Another one at Kendrick Lake
Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' in the garden of Domenique Turnbull in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado

Same plant with the surrrounding context

Most of these pictures were taken in September--this is obviously a wonderful plant for late summer color in our climate. I think It merits a lot more testing: I think a star has been born!

Project 366: Week 44

I�m always late with this project and this week is no exception. But here I am. This week I�ve decided to pluck out images from an assortment of files; images that have been taken in the past three weeks that have been overlooked or forgotten. Leftovers. Because as the year comes to an end, I�d like to sort, edit and clean up. I imagine I�ll be doing this again in the next few weeks.

This week's photo theme: Leftovers

Friday, October 28, 2016
Green and Red
"Soon, the leaves will be absorbed by the earth and the greenery will go to sleep."

Project 366, Day 302: Green and Red

Saturday, October 29, 2016
A Vibrant Path
"This path changes colours with each season.�

Project 366, Day 303: A Vibrant Path

Sunday, October 30, 2016
Littered Steps
"This type of litter is acceptable.�

Project 366, Day 304: Littered Steps

Monday, October 31, 2016
A Single Leaf
"It prefers to be on its own."

Project 366, Day 305: A Single Leaf

Tuesday, November 01, 2016
"Sometimes you need to take a peaceful walk."

Project 366, Day 306: Serenity

Wednesday, November 02, 2016
"this time of year is filled with eye candy.�

Project 366, Day 307: Colours

Thursday, November 03, 2016
The Horizon
�You can see quite far without tall buildings getting in the way.�

Project 366, Day 308: The Horizon

What I've learned this week:
Don�t let negative and aggressive people drag you into their drama.
The only way to get to where you want to be is to keep moving forward.
Choose your battles wisely.
Sometimes the best response is no response at all.

Wishing you all a beautiful day!

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Words Of Wisdom

Imagine how dull the world would be if we were all the same? Diversity makes this amazing thing we call life so much more fascinating. It is something that should be celebrated and embraced.

Have a great day, everyone.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Question Of The Day

During my teen years, I collected matchbooks. Do you (more mature friends) remember those? They were everywhere back then since so many people smoked. I must have had almost a hundred, some of them really cool looking, that I kept in a box in my room. At some point I got it into my head that they could light up, start a fire and burn the house down. I'm not sure how this thought developed but once it did, there was no shaking it. I got rid of the matchbooks.

I figured I'd try something 'safer' after that, so I collected business cards for awhile. But it was an on-again/off-again thing that didn't really stick. Even though some business cards were really nice, they didn't hold my interest as much.

Fast forward many years later and I began my shot glass collection, which is still going on. I only pick up shot glasses from new destinations. Whenever I travel somewhere I've never been before, I bring home a shot glass with the name of the area on it if I can find one. My family is aware of this obsession fascination and when they travel they are kind enough to bring me back a shot glass. You gotta love that.

What about you? Do you collect anything?

Monday 7 November 2016

Chuckles and Chortles

Happy Monday, everyone. How are you all doing? I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend, and I wish you all a great week. I've got a busy day ahead, so let's get right to the funny stuff.

Here we go...

Have a good one!

Mirror Work Cushion Cover And Its Companion

Hello my favorite people!!
 Hope you all had an amazingly wonderful festive season. Diwali is over, vacations are over, I have overcome post-vacation blues, it's Monday and it's time to get back to work.

Cushion Covers

One of my cushion covers that I designed and stitched got so many compliments on Instagram. This yellow mirror work cushion cover is my personal favorite too and it was a blingy addition to my festive decor.

Cushion Cover

Blooming Calandiva in my garden tempted me to bring it indoors and then clicked the idea of giving a makeover to the pot that holds Calandiva. I thought of painting a pot in a way that complements my mirror work cushion.

Cushion Cover

So I just painted the pot in color matching to the cushion and stuck mirrors on it. Voila!! The cushion cover now has a companion. A pot that is perfectly complementing the cushion and making the arrangement in my living room so cohesive and pulled together.
Here is a closer look for you. Isn't it cool and easy-peasy color coordination idea. Fresh and lovely blooms of kalanchoe are popping beautifully against the yellow color.  

Mirror Work Cushion Cover

This festive season I dared to mix cool and warm colors together. And instead of shimmering brass, I opted for shiny silver this time around. It sure was a perfect and happy color scheme. 

Cushion Cover

I added greens in abundance to give a jungalow style twist to my festive decor. Fairy lights hung here and there completed my festive decor. Will share some images soon.

Cushion Cover

My "Indian Art Gallery Wall" is complete though beautification is an ongoing process and I promise to post about it soon. Till then here's a sneak peek :) 
Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!

Cushion Cover

So how did you like the companion of my mirror work cushion!!
You can check out more some easy and fun DIYs here and some of my artwork here