Hello, anybody there?
Just checking. I figured by now you�re all bored of this topic. But if you stick around, I promise I�ll throw in a few annuals into the mix to spice things up a bit. Okay?
Let�s start with the perennials...
1) Chrysanthemum max. �Silver Princess�

One look at the flowers on the tag of this perennial and I was sold! I just couldn�t resist such pretty blooms that are guaranteed tol spice up my backyard this summer? I bought two of these and planted them in the new flower bed.

2) Echinacea purpurea

Did you really think I�d picked up enough purple coneflowers? Not a chance. I�m actually quite disappointed that there aren�t more varieties of coneflowers at the garden centers. As far as I know, there are several different types, some of which I�d love to get my hands on. Anyway, I added two of these to the new area.

3) Monarda �Petite Delight�

Yes, I did add some of these to the right side of the house (which I mentioned in yesterday�s post), but I couldn�t resist adding a couple of them also to the new section in the backyard. That way, when the butterflies and bees show up, I�ll catch a glimpse of them through my kitchen window.

4) Lamium maculatum �Anne Greenaway�

The showy foliage of this plant drew my attention, so I brought home two and planted them both in the new flower bed. The tag says that it tolerates all kinds of exposure, but I�m not entirely convinced of that. If I notice at some point that it can�t handle the sun, I may have to move it elsewhere. We�ll see.

Those are the latest additions to the center of the yard, which now looks like this:

I�m getting there!
Moving along...
4) Pulsatilla vulgaris �Red Bells�

There are three flower colours that I�m always immediately drawn to: yellow, orange and red. That�s the reason why one of these plants came home with me and ended up under my kitchen window.

5) Salvia nemerosa �Adora Blue�

I thought these would look nice under my kitchen window, so I added a couple of them there. I forgot to take a photo of them planted, but I did take photos of what the flower bed under the kitchen window looks like to date:

Now, how about some annuals? Is that a collective sigh of relief I hear?
Okay, here�s what I have...
1) Gazania �Daybreak Rose Stripe�

When I saw these at the garden center, it took every ounce of self control to keep from breaking out in a dance. You see, I just recently discovered Gazanias in a gardening magazine and I knew from the moment I laid eyes on them that I�d have to add them to my garden. I bought a pack of four; three are sitting in little pots in the front of the house, and the fourth one if gracing the deck at the back of the house.

2) Gerbera Daisy

I bought two of these gorgeous plants and added one on each side of the deck stairs. I�m not sure which ones I actually took home; I just know they�re gorgeous.

Alright, that�s it for now. There are quite a few more annuals, but I haven�t had a chance to photograph them yet. Or the herbs. Yup, I have herbs to blab about in some future post.
Run away while you can!
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